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5 steps for effortless content creation and curation.

Now more than ever, maintaining a consistent and engaging social media presence is crucial for businesses wanting to stand out and thrive on social media. However, achieving consistency can be a time consuming task without a well-defined content process in place.

At dash., we know the significance of a strong content process and embrace it not only for our clients but also for our own organic marketing. In this blog post we will be outlining  5 steps (you are welcome to steal) for effortless content creation and curation. 

Step 1: Plan Out Your Complete Month

It all begins with dedicating a specific time each month solely for content planning. Whether you prefer getting cosy on a Monday morning with a cup of coffee or unwinding on a Friday afternoon, find a day that works best for you and stick to it!

By investing focused time in content planning, you ensure that your posts are thoughtfully crafted, aligned with your brand’s goals, and resonate with your target audience. This level of organisation and consistency is what drives successful outcomes on social media. 

Here at dash. we really do practise what we preach. We hold our own “dash. days,” where the entire team collaborates to brainstorm, plan, and create content for the upcoming month. 

Step 2. Analyse past performance  

Alright, it’s time to get your nerd on and start looking at your content performance metrics. The key to success on socials is  to analyse your past performance and use that data to help guide your content creation. 

Looking at past performance isn’t just about crunching numbers. It’s about gaining valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviour. What posts sparked the most engagement and why? Or which topics resonated the most with your target audience? These are the pieces of the puzzle that help refine your content strategy and take it to the next level.

Two key metrics you should always monitor on social media are reach and engagement. 

Reach:  Reach is the gateway metric that reveals how far your content has travelled across the digital landscape. Reach measures the number of unique users who have seen your posts. A higher reach means your content is gaining visibility and reaching a broader audience. 

But remember, it’s not just about numbers. It’s about connecting with the right people and expanding your brand’s reach to potential customers who share your interests.

Engagement: The heart and soul of social media. Engagement is like a high five from your audience, showing that they’re not just passively scrolling but actively interacting with your content. Likes, comments, shares, and clicks are all part of the engagement dance. The higher the engagement rate, the stronger the bond between your brand and your followers. It’s a sign that your content is resonating and sparking conversations, making your brand a part of their digital world.

Step 3. Batch create your posts

Now that we’ve explored the power of analysing past performance, it’s time to get started on batch-creating content and copy.

This streamlined approach really is a game-changer, making content creation easier, quicker, and more efficient. Instead of constantly scrambling to produce content on the fly, imagine setting aside dedicated blocks of time to create multiple pieces of content in one go. This will allow you to save time in the long run and for your content to flow out to your audience for the entire month without having to think on the spot every day.  

Batch-creating content and copy is all about maximising your productivity and creativity. By immersing yourself in a focused creative flow,  you tap into a range of ideas and inspiration. 

This streamlined approach doesn’t just save time. It also enhances the quality of your content. When you immerse yourself in a specific theme or topic, you can explore it from different angles, crafting diverse and engaging pieces that keep your audience coming back for more. 

The benefits of batch-creating content and copy extend beyond just efficiency. It allows you to stay consistent with your messaging and branding, building a strong and cohesive online presence that’s instantly recognisable to your audience.

Step 4. Schedule content to automatically post

Scheduling content in advance is like having your very own virtual assistant, diligently posting on your behalf while you focus on other aspects of your business. 

This proactive approach offers more than just convenience; it also allows you to maintain a consistent online presence. With a well-organised content calendar, your brand communicates with clarity and purpose, reinforcing its identity and value to your audience.

But that’s not all. Scheduling content in advance also provides valuable insights into your content strategy’s effectiveness. Analysing engagement patterns and adjusting your approach accordingly empowers you to refine and improve your content game over time.

Step 5.  Engage, Analyse and Adapt 

Social media is not a one-way street; it’s a conversation between your brand and your audience. It’s about showing up, listening, and actively participating in discussions. At dash., we believe in nurturing these interactions to create a strong sense of community and build meaningful relationships with our followers.

While scheduling content in advance is a superpower, it’s essential not to fall into the trap of ‘set and forget.’ The real magic happens when we stay actively involved, responding to comments, answering questions, and sparking conversations. By being present and engaged, you really do show your audience that their voice matters, and that they are an integral part of your brand’s journey.

Quick engagement tips:

  • When responding to comments, go beyond emojis. Write thoughtful responses that show genuine appreciation and encourage further conversation. A personalised touch really can make a significant impact.
  • Dedicate a few minutes each day to interact with other accounts. Leave thoughtful comments on posts that align with your brand’s values. 
  • Turn your comments into conversation starters by writing open-ended questions related to the post’s content. This invites the account owner and other users to share their thoughts, helping to start engaging discussions.

Want to grow your Instagram followers? 

Here’s our recommended strategy for you to put to the test:

  1. Post daily – Consistency is key to Instagram success. Posting daily keeps your feed fresh and engaging, attracting more eyes and potential followers.
  2. Focus on video content – Incorporate more video content into your feed to capture attention and grow your Instagram following. Videos are a dynamic way to showcase your personality, expertise, and unique style. Craft engaging videos that entertain, educate, or inspire your audience.
  3. Always have 5 stories in your Story board – By keeping your Instagram Story board populated with at least 5 active stories at all times helps to keep your audience engaged and eager for more. 
  4. Constantly review performance and lean into what resonates
    Drive follower growth by regularly analysing your post performance and Identifying content that resonates most with your audience. 
  5. Include keywords throughout your content and caption – Enhance your Instagram visibility by incorporating relevant keywords into your content and captions. This helps your posts appear in user searches and explore pages, attracting potential followers.
  6. Spend 1hr per day on community management – Allocate 1 hour daily to actively engage with your audience. Respond to comments, answer messages, and interact with follower’s content to foster genuine connections.

If you find you still don’t have the time or resources to manage your socials in-house, but want to optimise your brand’s online presence, engagement, and conversions then we’ve got you covered. View our social media marketing services now.

  • Lauren Fraser

    Lauren is the owner and head of digital strategy at Thea Media. With a decade of experience in marketing, Lauren is passionate about sharing her knowledge with business owners and making great digital marketing accessible to businesses of all sizes.

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